
Gymcin is an Anti-Diabetic Herbal Supplement with ingredients that has been clinically proven to assist in REDUCING BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS, ELIMINATING INSULIN RESISTANCE and NORMALISING INSULIN PRODUCTION.


GYMCIN consists of: Cinnamon, Chromium, and Sylvestre Gymnema. Various case studies found that these ingredients are helpful in controlling blood sugar levels in people with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Sylvestre Gymnema contains the active ingredients gymnemic acids and gurmarin, amongst others. The atomic arrangement of gymnemic acid molecules is similar to that of glucose molecules. Gymnemic acids have anti-diabetic and anti-sweetener activities. One of the mechanics responsible for Type 2 diabetes is a form of insulin resistance, which is attributed to the inability of insulin to

enter cells via the cell receptors. Gymnema helps to overcome this resistance. A study at the U.S. National Library of Medicine found good scientific evidence that Gymnemic acid helps to lower and balance blood sugar levels. Gymnemic acids also help to decrease the amount of sugar that is

absorbed from foods and to stimulate the production of insulin by the body. It is also believed that Gymnema may even prompt the pancreas to develop more beta cells (the source of insulin). Chromium, Chromium deficiency causes insulin resistance, and supplements such as Gymcin

overcome that resistance. A case study done in China involving 180 people with type 2 diabetes, showed significant reductions in blood-glucose and insulin concentration once Chromium was taken. Chromium is essential for the action of insulin and the maintenance of normal glucose levels

because it combines with vitamin B3 and three specific amino acids to form a chemical called Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF). GTF greatly enhances the power of insulin to transport glucose into the cells. “Essentially all the studies using chromium supplements for impaired glucose intolerance

and diabetes showed a positive effect” says Richard Anderson of the US Department of Agriculture. Cinnamon, Studies done in Pakistan in 2003 showed that cinnamon improved blood glucose and cholesterol levels in Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes causes cells to lose their ability to respond to

insulin, research from Maryland Agricultural Unit showed that cinnamon rekindled the ability of fat cells to respond to insulin and greatly increased glucose removal. Researchers are so confident that cinnamon will have a dramatic effect of reducing insulin tolerance, that they recommend that type 2

diabetics should include a cinnamon supplement in their daily diet.


Many type 2 diabetics have already found a new feeling of well being and improvement in health by using Gymcin. GYMCIN showed positive results in all the studies and assisted in Reducing Blood Sugar Levels. Gymcin disables the glucose absorption from the intestines and prevents adrenalin hormones from stimulating the liver to produce glucose. Both of which directly reduce sugar levels. Eliminating Insulin Resistance. Gymcin allows cell receptors to better recognize insulin, which virtually eliminates insulin resistance. Most medical resources agree that insulin resistance in the root cause of type 2 diabetes. Normalizing Insulin Production. Gymcin stimulates the increased production of an organic compound that is naturally produced by the body. In type 1 diabetics this compound functions just like insulin, as a natural alternative.